Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hate What You Love

Sometimes I really, really hate writing.

Which is bad since I plan to be in the writing industry for the rest of my life.

But sometimes I just really hate it. Because it's so difficult! I mean, granted, you basically sit down and bleed onto a page, but still, bleeding is a very painful and tiring process. Think about it, have you ever bled a lot? In real life? The more blood you bleed the less energetic you are and eventually you become so tired you go to sleep for all eternity. Also, the reason why you're bleeding to death is probably because you were incredibly stupid and ran with scissors or a knife or any other sharp object, or you were stupid enough to piss off someone so badly they ran after you with scissors or a knife or any other sharp object.

So writing can sometimes be like bleeding, but I'll try to keep the gore out of my blog.

But loosing your writing to evil computers is like loosing blood and then not getting a transfusion back. It's horrible. Absolutely, positively horrible. Thankfully Taylor Swift and Celtic Thunder are on the playlist I'm listening to and they sort of make everything all better. Celtic Thunder more so than Taylor Swift (though some of her songs have inspired certain scenes in my books--all pure fantasy stories and not the weird southern/Midwestern romance type thing).

Oh, and Rascal Flatts.

Either way, writing is difficult. You have to sit down and work at typing away (or sometimes writing by hand as I am strangely prone to do for two hundred pages or so). You have to make time to sit down and type or handwrite. Sometimes it's funny listening to people who are like "I'm going to write a book someday."

I laugh.

And in my head think, Yeah, I'm writing a book right now. In fact, I'm technically writing three books because the agent at the writing conference I went to this past summer told me that my two book idea would be much better as a trilogy so while the second book is done and needs a few more people to edit it, I must begin the first book, and oh the third book is half-way done because I had begun to work on it before the writing conference.

And you think it's tiring being inside your own head.

Some people are good at writing and do it for the money's sake. You can make a lot of money freelancing, if you know the right tricks. Or if you're suddenly a best-seller overnight.

But some of us write because we love to. Because when we're not writing and just sitting doing nothing, we feel like our heads and hearts will explode. Because we all have untold stories to tell, and our greatest fear is that we won't be able to tell THAT story.

Sometime we writers get caught up in outside distractions. Like The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, or debating whether or not it's a good idea for Peter Jackson to make The Hobbit into three parts. And it's hard to find time to write or we don't want to write.

But we do it because we love to, because we need to.

And we'll go through phases where we hate writing (like when computers eat the writing and won't vomit it back up), or when the transitions between scenes or major plot points get up and runaway and won't come back. But then again, we all go through those period where we hate what we love.

And that's a part of life.

That's a part of being human.

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