Friday, August 31, 2012

Dorm Stereotypes

So today I found out that a sophomore guy from one of the all-guys dorms was teasing one of the freshmen girls in my co-ed dorm about being in our dorm. And it wasn't friendly teasing. It was the out of control kind.

See, each dorm seems to have it's stereotypes. The jocks, geeks (my dorm), boy scared, boy crazy, preppy boys, and child boys. And sometimes it's really fun to play up on stereotypes with friends. As long as EVERYONE is having fun.

Now I can understand a freshmen boy taking the teasing too far. They've only been at Taylor for a week. But no. This was a sophomore, someone who should clearly have known that stereotypes aren't everything, and should be old enough to know when teasing has gone too far. But apparently not everyone grows up as fast as others.

I think what bothers me the most is the fact that he told her to stop hanging out with the group they were with and go back to her dorm. That bugs me. It's like, he doesn't think highly enough of her to hang out with her . . . because of what dorm she was put into. That's just low.

So let's get a few things straight.

1. Stereotypes can be fun . . . but only with close friends. If not with close friends . . . stay clear of them.
2. If you're a college student, you should know by now what's "friendly" teasing and what's "mean/rude" teasing.
3. If you don't know the differences mentioned in number two, perhaps you should go back to your local elementary and middle schools where lots of anti-bullying campaigns have begun and find out.

It doesn't matter what dorm you live in. We're all people. We're all unique and gifted in different ways. You shouldn't stop associating with someone just because you've been told they live in the "geek/weird" dorm. They might not be geeky at all! And, all in all, the Golden Rule is pretty much standard around the world.

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