Saturday, August 25, 2012

Treasure in Dust

Have you ever found an old traveling trunk? The kind that looks like it belongs at Hogwarts, but really probably belonged to someone two or three generations ago, maybe in your own family? To me those trunks held mysterious, long-forgotten treasure, just waiting to be rediscovered by the world or--more specifically--me. 

Or maybe you found forgotten treasure in the dusty stacks of an old bookshop. 

It doesn't really matter where you found the treasure. What matters is you found it, you grabbed it, and you've held onto it.

For me writing has always been a way for me to share the treasures I have discovered over the years with others. Even if that treasure is just an idea, I can put it into words or a story, and share it with a vast audience. That is a wondrous thing, sharing among the nations of the world, reaching others that you may never meet.

But still, the greatest treasures come, sometimes, from the past. From those who have come before us. Like letters from daughter to mother where you find out that said daughter read The Communist Manifesto only because it was the only book she could find in English while teaching ESL in Japan in the 80's. Then finding out Karl Marx was a Jew. All from old letters found in the back of an old room in your grandmother's house.

And this is what I hope for this blog. That you will stumble upon this place, purely by accident, or led here by a friend; and you will find treasure to take with you and share. Because besides finding the treasure, the greatest joy is sharing it.

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